Areas of study in criminology include:
Comparative criminology, which is the study of the social phenomenon of crime across cultures, to identify differences and similarities in crime patterns.

  •          Crime prevention.
  •          Crime statistics.
  •          Criminal behavior.
  •          Criminal careers and desistance.
  •          Domestic violence.
  •          Deviant behavior.   

  Every country has a different way of taking the paper but these are the essential questions that are often asked in the paper, My today's lecture is on the essential questions of crime! 
1.Explain the nature and importance of criminology in detail?  
2.Define the term crime and criminals.explain the types of criminals in detail?  
3 Write a note on the role of crime control agencies? 4.Define the term probation and discuss the condition of probation?  
5.Enlist and discuss the principles of criminals investigation?  
6.Discuss in details the interviewing and interrogation techniques in investigation?  
7.Write a detail note on cyber crime? 
8.Write short notes on any two of the following? ·           ·         Money laundering
·         White collar crime
·         Professional criminals
·         Organized crime
·         Occassional criminals  9.Write a note on the increasing importance of criminology?and also discuss the historical developement of criminology as a scientific discipline?  
10.Enlist the criminological perspectives?briefly discuss the three criminological perspective on the study of  crime and criminal behavior?  
11.Write a comprehensive note on juvenile justice system suggest measures for the improvement  juvenile justice system?  
12.Write short notes on causes of juvenile delinquency in Pakistan and other countries?and note on probation and parole. 

These are the questions that are asked in the civil service exam,All of you read it carefully, if no one understands, there is no need to worry,Children who are basic may find this question difficult You will read all this in your future I will discuss more questions in my upcoming lectures.And you will find their answers in my lectures  
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